Vitamin A is a type of fat soluble vitamin which is known to be good for eye health and helps repair body cells. If the body lacks vitamin A, there will be a variety of health problems, such as eye disorders, dry skin, to the risk of difficult to obtain offspring. Vitamin A deficiency can happen to anyone, but children and pregnant women are more at risk of experiencing this condition, especially those living in developing countries, including Indonesia. A person can experience vitamin A deficiency due to lack of intake of this vitamin, or due to a disruption in the digestive tract that makes absorption of vitamin A problematic. Recognizing the Impact of Vitamin A Deficiency One of the most common effects of vitamin A deficiency is eye problems, such as macular degeneration, dry eyes, decreased vision, and a corneal disorder called xerophthalmia. Besides disturbing eye health, the effects of vitamin A deficiency that can occur include: 1. Dry skin People who lack vitamin A are...