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Like This Impact of Vitamin A Deficiency and How to Prevent it

Vitamin A is a type of fat soluble vitamin which is known to be good for eye health and helps repair body cells. If the body lacks vitamin A, there will be a variety of health problems, such as eye disorders, dry skin, to the risk of difficult to obtain offspring. Vitamin A deficiency can happen to anyone, but children and pregnant women are more at risk of experiencing this condition, especially those living in developing countries, including Indonesia. A person can experience vitamin A deficiency due to lack of intake of this vitamin, or due to a disruption in the digestive tract that makes absorption of vitamin A problematic.

Recognizing the Impact of Vitamin A Deficiency

One of the most common effects of vitamin A deficiency is eye problems, such as macular degeneration, dry eyes, decreased vision, and a corneal disorder called xerophthalmia. Besides disturbing eye health, the effects of vitamin A deficiency that can occur include:

1. Dry skin

People who lack vitamin A are more at risk of developing skin problems, especially eczema and dry skin. This happens because vitamin A is one of the important vitamins that plays a role in helping to create and repair skin cells.

2. Susceptible to infection

Vitamin A has an important role in maintaining endurance. Poor intake of vitamin A is associated with various risks of infection such as ARI, pneumonia, diarrhea and measles. Those who lack vitamin A, especially children, are at risk of measles complications. Therefore, vitamin A intake is important to be fulfilled so that the body's immune system remains strong.

3. The risk of cancer increases

The link between vitamin A deficiency and cancer is still being debated. But according to a research, low levels of vitamin A in the body at risk of triggering the growth of cancer cells. However, further studies are still needed to determine how much influence the deficiency of vitamin A on the emergence of cancer.

4. Growth disorders in children

Children need complete nutrition to achieve optimal growth and development. One of the nutrients that also needs to be fulfilled is vitamin A. Lack of vitamin A in children in the long term is known to make the child's growth stunted, so that the child's body becomes shorter than his peers.

5. Fertility problems

There are various things that can cause fertility problems or infertility. One of them is vitamin A deficiency. Not only in women, fertility disorders due to vitamin A deficiency can also occur in men. Furthermore, vitamin A deficiency can also increase the risk of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities or birth defects in the fetus.

Efforts to Prevent Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A intake can be obtained from food. Some foods that are a source of vitamin A are:
  • Heart.
  • Chicken and beef.
  • Salmon.
  • Egg.
  • Milk and its preparations, namely cheese and yogurt.
  • Fruits, such as mangoes, cantaloupe, pumpkin, apricots, chilies, and oranges.
  • Various types of vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin A deficiency is still a health problem in Indonesia. Conditions can cause a variety of serious disorders, so prevention efforts need to be done. That is why, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia conducts a vitamin A program for children under the age of five (toddlers) nationally, every February and August. Although it is important for health, vitamin A should not be consumed in excessive amounts because it can cause overdose or poisoning of vitamin A. Recommended intake of vitamin A per day is 900 micrograms for men, 700 micrograms for women, and 1300 micrograms for nursing mothers. To get additional vitamin A intake, you can take vitamin A supplements that are sold freely. However, you should consult with your nutritionist about the types of supplements and doses that are safe for consumption.


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